
Product Name: York Global Mathematics Corpus

“Unleashing the power of mathematics to shape a brighter future.”

Grade: KG1–G12

Curriculum: All international and national curricula

Course Overview:

Step into the vibrant world of York Global Mathematics, an innovative mathematics program that spans from kindergarten to Grade 12. Created by esteemed educators, this comprehensive curriculum seamlessly integrates the finest international mathematics practices, ensuring an engaging, progressive, and enriching learning journey for both students and teachers.

Expertly crafted, the Global Mathematics Framework encompasses a diverse array of learning objectives that seamlessly guide students through each grade level. Embracing a spiral curriculum approach, the program revisits key mathematical concepts across different stages, allowing students to foster a deep and comprehensive understanding of mathematical principles and mastery of mathematical concepts.

Central to the curriculum is robust mathematical reasoning. Empowering learners with critical thinking skills, it encourages complex problem exploration, pattern analysis, and logical solution construction. This cultivates prowess and life-applicable skills, emphasizing real-world math application. By linking math to practical scenarios, students appreciate its role in shaping their world. This bridges theory and real-life problem-solving.

Beyond core content, the program seamlessly integrates values, ethics, and global citizenship. Cross-disciplinary connections, especially in STEM, foster 21st-century skills for success.

Experience an enriched future with York Global Mathematics. Join us to spark mathematical minds, nurture inquiry, and shape responsible global citizens excelling in reasoning and practical math applications.

Key Features

Course Components (*with ISBN TBC)

For Students:
For Teachers:
Pupil Book – Volume 1 (K-6)
Pupil Book – Volume 2 (K-6)

Workbook – Volume 1 (K-6)
Workbook – Volume 2 (K-6)

Student Book – Volume 1 (G7-12)
Student Book – Volume 2 (G7-12)

York-E LMS and Digital Learning Objects
Teacher Notes – (K-6)

Teacher Notes – (G7-12)

York-E LMS and Digital Learning Objects:
Assessments and Quizzes
Lesson Organizers
Worked Example Videos (G7 to G12)
  • Comprehensive coverage of Mathematics from Kindergarten to Grade 12, spanning all mathematics disciplines.
  • Flexible curriculum based on learning objectives which can be mapped to any curriculum
  • Inquiry-based approach underpinned by mathematical enquiry and 21stcentury skills.
  • Differentiation and assessment embedded throughout all course grades.
  • Fully blended learning experience incorporating both print and digital resources at all grades.
  • Focus on real-life applications, cross-curricular links, and practical activities.